
Getting the Board on Board with AI Messaging Solutions

Illustrator: Adan Augusto
adopt ai messaging solutions

They might try, but modern businesses cannot escape the ever-evolving, demanding constant adaptation and innovation. One area ripe for transformation is customer engagement, particularly through the adoption of Generative AI messaging solutions

AI technologies offer a lot of advantages, from taking on manual and repetitive tasks across different business areas to cutting operational costs and increasing revenue. However, there’s also concern surrounding AI, given how fast it’s growing and how it evolves and changes over time. It’s no surprise, then, that your board of directors might not be very keen on adopting AI messaging solutions for your business. 

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to successfully get the board on board. 

A Brief Overview of the Generative AI Business Landscape

Before diving into strategies aimed at persuading the board, we need first to grasp the state of conversational AI within the corporate landscape. 

Conversational AI in the form of Generative AI is already on its way to reshaping customer interactions, automating workflows, and boosting operational efficiency. This type of AI uses intricate algorithms and natural language processes to enable systems to engage in human-like conversations across different touchpoints. From chatbots to virtual assistants, conversational AI solutions offer businesses unparalleled opportunities to elevate customer service standards, streamline operations, and drive growth and revenue.

The latest McKinsey Global Survey on the state of AI shows the impact of conversational AI integration in corporate settings. One-third of respondents report regular use of generative AI in at least one business function, with 40% of respondents expressing a commitment to increasing overall AI investments even more this year. 

Companies already embracing generative AI solutions report substantial enhancements in customer satisfaction metrics, operational efficiency, and cost reductions. Furthermore, as consumer preferences continuously gravitate towards seamless, personalized interactions, the demand for AI-driven conversational experiences continues to surge. The sooner businesses jump in and adopt AI messaging solutions, the better their chances of gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage. 

Strategies to Convince the Board

Simply presenting the board with the McKinsey report on the state of AI isn’t enough. Below you’ll find some strategies to convince the board to get on board with AI messaging solutions in your business. 

Align with Organizational Goals

When laying out your argument to the board, it's key to ensure that the benefits of AI messaging solutions are meticulously aligned with your organization's overarching strategic objectives. 

Think of the use cases generative AI might have:

  • 24/7 lead engagement: AI sales assistants can deliver a personalized customer experience in real-time for every lead while working on the fly to assess and rank prospects, identify the best sales opportunities, and help boost conversion rates.
  • Improve meeting show rates: automating the meeting booking process through conversational AI allows your leads to book appointments at their convenience, increasing the likelihood of attendance. 
  • Answer customers’ FAQs: AI FAQ assistants provide instant access to information, allowing customers to get their questions answered through a conversation, ultimately saving your agents’ time and increasing efficiency.

These are just a few examples. To convince your board, you’ll need to stress how AI stands as a catalyst for achieving key goals, such as enhancing customer experiences, amplifying operational efficiencies, and propelling revenue growth. 

You should also underscore the competitive edge offered by the adoption of AI technology. Share compelling case studies from within your industry, spotlighting results from companies that have seamlessly integrated AI messaging solutions into their daily operations. 

By framing your arguments within the context of strategic and competitive advantage and showcasing real-life results, you’ll more easily be able to underscore the value proposition of AI to your board members. 

Form a Dedicated Generative AI Task Force

Creating a dedicated task force focused solely on Generative AI integration is akin to assembling a powerhouse squad. Think of it like assembling your own Avengers. You’ll need a diverse mix of talents spanning marketing, sales, and IT to be able to show not only that you have team representation from the areas you want to improve with AI, but also someone with the tech knowledge that might be necessary to a more swift implementation. 

Each member of your AI task force brings their own unique skill set to the table. The marketing representative(s) contribute their expertise in customer engagement strategies, while the salespeople offer invaluable insights into lead generation and conversion tactics. Meanwhile, the tech experts ensure that all the gears are turning smoothly behind the scenes, leveraging their technical know-how for seamless integration.

Together, this collaborative dream team delves deep into the possibilities offered by Generative AI. They brainstorm innovative ways to apply this technology to real-world challenges your business faces, ensuring that every initiative aligns seamlessly with the broader organizational goals.

But this isn't just a case of teamwork for the sake of appearances. By breaking down silos between departments, this cross-functional approach fosters open communication and collaboration, paving the way for smoother sailing as potential obstacles are identified and addressed proactively. 

To sum it up, your AI task force ensures that the AI integration process remains on track and delivers tangible results that benefit the entire organization.

Provide Basic Generative AI Training

Once you’ve assembled your AI task force, don't forget the crucial step of giving them the right training to inspire and equip them with a clear vision of Generative AI's potential applications in your organization. 

These training sessions aren't just about the technical stuff – they're about fostering a shared vision among your team. By showcasing real-world examples and success stories, you'll spark enthusiasm and foster a forward-thinking mindset among your crew. The goal is clear — to get them thinking outside the box and experimenting with Generative AI in your business context.

As your team gets to grips with the ins and outs of the technology, they'll feel more empowered to pitch ideas, kickstart experiments, and explore how Generative AI can tackle specific business challenges.

But it's not just about individual growth — these training sessions also build a collective knowledge base within your organization. This shared understanding becomes a valuable asset as your team members collaborate across departments, exchange insights, and pool their expertise to drive the integration process forward.

Conduct a Data-Oriented Experiment

Now that you have your AI task force and they have done training on the subject, the next step in persuading the board to adopt AI messaging solutions is to conduct a data-oriented experiment

This experiment should aim to demonstrate the tangible benefits and ROI of implementing generative AI. Start by selecting a pilot project or use case where AI messaging can make a significant impact. For example, you can select a specific segment of your sales cycle, focusing perhaps on top-of-funnel activities. This approach allows for a controlled testing environment, allowing for a meticulous examination of the AI's impact on lead generation, initial customer interactions, or content creation at the early stages of the sales process. Be sure to analyze KPIs such as engagement and conversion rates or content relevance to understand how effective the AI was in your chosen use case. 

Running this sort of experiment will allow you to draw positive conclusions, but also identify challenges and shortcomings before you implement a business-wide AI solution. 

Once you’ve concluded your experiment, present your findings in a clear and concise manner, highlighting the positive impact of AI messaging on business outcomes. By providing concrete evidence of the benefits, you can effectively sway the board's opinion and gather support for broader implementation.

Address Concerns and Risks

It's only natural for board members to have concerns and reservations about adopting new technology, especially when it involves AI. Addressing these concerns head-on is key to getting them on board. 

You should provide transparent information about the potential risks generative AI can bring and the mitigation strategies you’ll apply to tackle them. If their concern is security and data protection, assure them you’re adopting security measures to protect sensitive data and customer privacy

While addressing their concerns, you should aim to focus on the business benefits of generative AI. Highlight the scalability and flexibility of AI solutions, emphasizing their ability to adapt to evolving business needs. Additionally, emphasize the importance of investing in AI as a long-term strategic initiative rather than a short-term cost-saving measure. Position AI messaging solutions as a catalyst for innovation and growth that enables your business to stay ahead of the competition and future-proof its operations.


Summing it up, convincing the board to implement AI messaging solutions in your organization requires a strategic and organized approach. 

By putting together your task force of experts, providing them with proper training, and running a data-oriented experiment, you should be able to clearly state the benefits of generative AI for business, address potential concerns, and ultimately convince the board of the business gains AI can bring. 

As the global AI market continues to grow, embracing generative AI solutions is no longer an option, but a strategic imperative for businesses looking to thrive in today’s landscape.