WhatsApp Automation

Start talking to your customers on WhatsApp today

Start talking to your customers on WhatsApp today

Create conversational marketing campaigns, engage existing customers and provide excellent customer service, all inside WhatsApp


Reach more people and convert more customers

Landbot brings your marketing campaigns into the most engaging channel there is, using rich content, automation and personalization.


Save time and increase customer satisfaction

Be where your customers are, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. WhatsApp chatbots improve response time and customer satisfaction while saving operational costs.


Save time and increase customer satisfaction

Be where your customers are, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Increase your customer satisfaction score while saving time from your team by automating the support process with WhatsApp chatbots.

Powerful and intuitive chatbot platform

Building, deploying and running a WhatsApp strategy doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Landbot’s efficient and user-friendly no-code chatbot solution puts your team in control.

landbot's no-code builder

No-code builder

Design sophisticated flows with conditional logic, formulas, and rich media, with a visual drag and drop interface.


Opt-ins widget

Create a list of WhatsApp subscribers with our web widget and grow your list for permission marketing messages.


Marketing campaigns

Reach your audience with segmented WhatsApp campaigns. Create, schedule and launch.



Send predefined alerts and notifications straight to your customers’ phones and keep the conversation going.


Test environment

Landbot’s free test environment lets you try your WhatsApp bot on your phone as you build it.


Team inbox

Move conversations to human support and manage any number of agents and chats from one central team inbox.



Send and receive data in real-time with our native integrations, Webhooks, or API.



Set goals, view reports, and analyze drop offs in the conversation with our chatbot analytics.

Marketing, Support and Operations teams
love building with Landbot

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Start building your automated WhatsApp experience now


Everything you need to start building your WhatsApp chatbot with Landbot today

Frequently asked questions

Does Landbot use the official WhatsApp Business API? How does the application process work?

Yes! Landbot uses WhatsApp’s official API to integrate the most popular instant messaging app. The API offered by Facebook(Meta) is under constant improvement, the reliability is fantastic and generates a frictionless experience for your users and for your team. To review which type of enterprises, businesses and brands WhatsApp accepts at the moment, please read our WhatsApp API application guide.

Landbot’s onboarding team helps you in the application process. Once you sign up for Landbot’s WhatsApp solution, our team will ask you to submit the required information and initiate the application process on your behalf. The entire process usually lasts around 1-2 weeks, regardless of which provider you work with. We take utmost care to ensure each business we collaborate with has their application approved, managing the application process at every step of the way. However, ultimately, the final approval decision rests with WhatsApp.

Can I start building my bot before my WhatsApp API access is approved?

Landbot’s special WhatsApp Test environment feature allows you to build and test your WhatsApp bot before your API application gets approved.

This is possible because the testing channel is a closed one, and only allows communication between the Landbot interface and the phone number you associated with the test account. So you can already test your WhatsApp bot with your own phone, and have it ready to be published live to your users when the access is approved by WhatsApp.

Do you offer support resources on WhatsApp bot creation?

Yes, you have access to a large collection of support resources including WhatsApp guides, documentation and academy videos to help you get the most out of the WhatsApp chatbot builder and campaign manager. Listed below are some of the resources:

- How to Create a WhatsApp Bot: Step By Step Guide
- How to Create & Test your WhatsApp Chatbot: Video Guide
- Landbot Academy: WhatsApp

What is the WhatsApp opt-in and how does it work?

WhatsApp opt-in is the active consent users have to give you before you can contact them via WhatsApp. Opt-ins need to be done via a third-party channel. You can learn more about WhatsApp opt-ins and how they work here.

Can I use artificial intelligence to build WhatsApp chatbots?

WhatsApp Business and Professional subscription plans offer Dialogflow integration to build AI NLP-driven bots using the Landbot interface, making the development process of the bot free of coding. You can check a full course on Dialogflow & Landbot in our Landbot Academy, and in our Knowledge Base.

Is it possible to create quick answers or buttons on WhatsApp for faster navigation?

Yes, with the Reply buttons feature you can create up to 3 buttons in a WhatsApp bot for quick replies, saving time and effort to the user of the bot. For more than 3 buttons, you can utilise the Keyword Options block to give a list of options and trigger keywords typed by the user.

How does Human Takeover work? What if no agents are online?

The Human Takeover block allows your agents to take over the conversation and handle it personally. Once the Human Takeover block is triggered (and there is an agent online), the visitor will wait till the conversation transitions to a live agent.

You are the one who chooses the conditions of the takeover when building the bot. You can choose to send conversations to a specific agent or agents or leave the assignation set at default - in that case; the system will assign the conversation to an agent with the least queries in their queue. If no agent is available, you can build an alternative path to continue with the bot, such as scheduling an appointment for later.

What's the pricing for the WhatsApp chatbot? How many chats does it include?

The pricing depends on a few factors such as volume of monthly chats, number of seats, and more. Our most popular WhatsApp Pro plan starts at €200/mo and includes 2,500 chats per month. Extra chats beyond that have an additional cost.

For large businesses looking for higher volumes, we offer custom plans as per requirements. Please check our pricing plans for more details about the benefits and features included.